Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Feedback Reflection and Action Plan

After both positive feedback and some constructive criticism, we feel this peer review will definitely help us improve our music video greatly. Firstly due to the "excellent" lip syncing in the first section of the video, many felt that the second half needed to be improved or perhaps redone. We all feel that this is the case and we will be re-filming the second artists part of the song, to make sure the lip syncing is as good as the first artist. We were also slightly criticised for our use of plain shots such as mid shots. Therefore we will most likely have to film a greater variety of shots for both artists - for example using side shots, close ups and possibly zoom ins from the camera.
For the editing of our film, we were told to try and make the video seem more "urban'. It was suggested to use lighting or the editing software to saturate the video. We feel that we could possibly try to use the software to create a more visual edit - or perhaps film at night, maybe under street lights, to add a good effect.
Another idea raised was the use of shots without rapping, to break up all of the lip syncing shots. This will make the video more engaging and will create a more proffessional piece of work.
We are planning to film in next Thursdays lesson (3rd Nov) and then at night. We will then be filming a variety of shots on the basketball court - with both artists and then some street shots at dusk/night to create a more urban effect. We will be bringing a different costume for the street view and may have to take into account lighting when filming in the dark.
We feel there wasn't enough use of props. Therefore, when we next film we'll try to bring in more props that relate to our genre, eg: skateboard n' cigarettes etc 

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