Tuesday 4 October 2011


Whilst the others were doing blog posts, I was working out and drawing the storyboard. I achieved this in the same way I imagined any auteur, like Spike Jonze who we researched, would. I listened to the song over and over again and tried to picture where about would be a suitable and effective place to switch between shots. I also did the same thing to see how the song made me feel and what I imagined the music video has to include. I came to the conclusion that the music video had to involve an urban theme, a basketball court/skate park were a couple of ideas for a central location/theme. I used Goodwin's points to help to decide what to include in the video, for example: Music/visuals - when Kyle Rapps says about going to a bank, we're going to film our artist outside a bank. and there are many more examples of music/visuals. I feel that because I spent quite a lot of time on the storyboard that we will stick to it for a reasonable amount. However, obviously I understand that whilst filming we may find some inspiration and change it and we may find a better way to put a couple of shots together.
All in all I felt it was crucial to have a good plan of our music video to use as a guide, I believe it will make things go a lot more smoothly when it comes to filming.

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