Tuesday, 18 October 2011

review of filming-Sunday 16th October 2011

  We all, as a group, met on Parker's piece in Cambridge at 11am to begin filming the most important clips that we desired to be filmed away from the college. We decided this as we believed it would give us more variety in terms of locations. this theory proved to be correct as we found we had so many locations within the city to choose from, that would provide us with the best atmosphere and setting for the theme of our music video.
  The weather really proved to be on our side on our final day of filming. As, although chilly, we had an excellent amount of sunlight which enabled us to combine this with the luck of having a high definition camera on which to film our music video. This allowed us to produce a video which is both appropriately lit and easily captures well highlighted features on both the artists and their surrounding locations shown within the video. Having appropriate filming conditions weather wise is one of the most important factors when shooting outside; after closely following daily weather forecasts, we were confident when it came to the day of final filming, that the weather would hold out long enough for us to shoot clips of a substantial enough quality to use in the final cut, with good lighting and clear images.

  Our first location of the day was at the skate ramps outside Parkside Pools. this we felt would create an excellent urban feel, which would keep in with the atmosphere of the track, to the video as the ramps are covered in scuff marks and stripped paint and looks generally very worn and unappealing aesthetically. This we felt would have a fantastic effect as it ties in perfectly with the less than ideal atmosphere presented in the track which speaks of how life was back in Kyle Rapps childhood when everything was simple and the sole focus was about getting an education and getting on with life instead of worrying about how much money an idea could make you or how attractive something is visually.

  Our second location was just off of mill road in a slightly less visually appealing residential area. We decided this would be a good location to film in because we believed it would capture the raw atmosphere of the track, again relating back to the idea of everything being simple and not solely focused on the aesthetics of living. The lighting in our clips was sufficient enough to maintain the good atmosphere we had created at the first location, this also allowed us to maintain good continuity throughout our clips. We did have to be patient with traffic and pedestrians as the location we were filming on was along a relatively busy road. However; we collaborated well as a team and our patience paid off as we captured some clips which will look excellent in the final cut of our music video.  

  We decided that we didn't want our music video to have a bright atmosphere throughout the whole video, so decided to find a slightly more dank and dindgy location to film our third set of clips. This location we found to be perfect in an alley way which we found running along the side of Waterstone's. As there is construction being carried out in this location, there are lamps attached to the scaffolding along the walkway to provide safe lighting for pedestrians. This lighting also created a warm yet eerie atmosphere for our filming which help us achieve the feel we desired for this particular section of our video as it yet again ties in with the raw feel of the track yet gives our target audience something fresh to look at. this we feel is important as we want to draw our audience in and keep them interested in our music video so they leave with our intended effect. This effect being engrossed and relating to the themes of the track and it's video.

  Our final location, we only filmed on briefly for the part of the track in which Kyle Rapps communicates to his audience about making money. We decided it would be best effective if we found a leading bank within the city and got a shot of him sitting outside it on the step; present his money when it came to the part in the track where he mentions it.

  Overall it was a very successful day of filming. As a group we feel we achieved everything we set out for on that day. We came away feeling pleased with our efforts and believe that because of such a successful day of shooting our music video, we are at the correct stage in our project which will now allow us to have sufficient time to edit and polish our final cut.

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