Friday, 14 October 2011


  Above is the inspiration for our font in our digipak, our magazine ad and our album cover. The font is both quirky and vibrant which creates and eye-catching effect for the audience. this quality would make the font perfect for use in our digipak and magazine advert as well as our album cover. the fact that we will be using the same font throughout our media products would enable our target audience to identify with the artist even solely through the use of font and appearance. This would then give a fantastic amount of strength to our advertising and distribution process as the products we will be creating are memorable as well as easy to read and view.

the surrounding images are to communicate our inspiration for our overall style, costume and appearance wise. We are taking the 90's feel to costume in our video, this will give a more urban overview of the video as this era best represents urban hip hop and rap music. This is shown for example through the baggy clothing such as jogging trousers and tracksuit tops teamed with old and worn trainers and chunky gold jewelry. as 90's hip hop and rap broke the conventions of costume in music videos through the use of original accessories and colour combinations, we feel it necessary to take inspiration from these qualities to add greater effect to our video for our audience which, overall, will create a greater attraction to for example our digipak and magazine advert especially through the audience's ability to relate to such an era.
  Below we have taken inspiration through the way that the artists move in their video. the fluid and consistent movements throughout the video give the track an atmosphere that fits in time with the beat running throughout. We felt it important to take note of these movements as they would also fit in with the time signature of our chosen track and would be really effective in creating a chilled yet lively pace and atmosphere for our video.

Above is the video for 'Drop' by The Pharcyde, directed by Spike Jonze

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