Tuesday 27 September 2011

Mise-En-Scene Research. MoodBoard.

This is our mood board with all our mise-en-scene ideas we are going to try and use in our music video (Kyle Rapps - Hard Knock Children). In this mood board we have considered all the elements of mise-en-scene including props, location, lighting and costume. As you can see the costume we are using suits the genre of the artists work - with baggy jeans/t-shirts, basketball shirts, gold dollar chains and baseball caps. This gives the artist an urban American look which we feel he will need because Kyle Rapps is American. We have also considered the props needed, which include a basketball and boombox - usually associated with this genre of music again as well as the look of the artist. The locations of the video will be urban streets, basketball courts and perhaps skateparks - all places where this artist is likely to fit in and "hang" about. Lastly we have considered the lighting - with a possible use of dark street lit places, which would create a sense of the artist walking about all day and night.

In conclusion we feel this mood board has helped us decide, realistically, what we will need to get and perhaps buy to make sure the music video is as effective as we possibly can. After this mood board we will be able to begin searching for locations, props and costumes and begin our storyboard and shot lists.

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